Lookin Back... and New Yr Wishes !
Got this Comic off Ahmedabad Times - dated 31st Dec..
That frog with his tongue sticking on the Cactus has to be me..
This comic summarizes my experiences with the year 2007 !!
Took unbelievable risks with life.. Enjoyed a few.. and fell apart with few..
but like they say, experience is the spice of Lyf.. My life looks a little too Spicey.. :-D !
the biggest one being changing companies.. from a multi-national, me jumped careers and joined a start-up.. and the foolish me switched companies without an appointment letter.. :P .. the experience has been worth it though.. working for a start-up has to the best thing that happened this yr..
met a set of most beautiful people on the planet.. and made a couple of very special friends.. will cherish those moments spent with you guys forever.. :)
did the weirdest of things.. drives at 4 am.. coming back home at 6 am from work and parties.. sleeping for 4 - 5 hrs for months together.. managing 2 jobs for a month.. dinner at 2 am and early morning Reshmi Tikka at Mogul Sarai !
life was actually good.. busy, hectic, lot of parties, lot of work, lot of travelling, lot of friends.. everything in excess.. "Bhagwaan jab deta hai toh chhapad faad ke deta hai" types..
i hope this continues in the coming year as well..
the other best experience has to be managing family, a job and 2 businesses at the same time.. yep.. was in Amdabad for Mum's knee replacement surgery, which went of pretty well. Had plans of staying for a month, but the chhota vacation turned out be 2 months long..
Part of the stay was my stint in Amdabad... managing my Dad's business, my own business plan, my job with Apricot and Ghar ka kaam.. Not in that order and everything didn't happen at the same time.. with a few mistakes here and there like depositing the cheque in the wrong bank account... the cheque ended up at some Calcutta dudes account :P.. and burnt fingers while cooking, the BSNL dude disconected the Broadband cus the cheque was out-station.. and some more careless errors..
It was more like testing myself for the future.. and I passed the test.. :-D
the resolution for '07 has still not been accomplished.. :P
the resolution for '08 is goin to be deleting the the Orkut, OpenBC and Ryze Profile.. :)
LinkedIN and Facebook are goin to be my networking companions for the rest of my life.
Thats more or less about my one yr...
Wishing all the luck for the coming year.
Hope it turns out to be more fruitful and full of life than the previous year's.
Luvv.. alwaysss..