Nu DeskTop WallPaper !

liv da romance of ma lyf .. wit mi
uummmm.. well, just got a mail from Vodafone, confirming the launch of iPhone in India on the 22nd of August.
I had pre-booked the phone through their website, and hence this reminder..
Read the mail below, for more info on the much awaited iPhone in India.
Hello Aditi,
Thank you for registering for your Apple iPhone 3G™ with us.
We are delighted to announce that the iPhone 3G will be available in India from August 22, 2008 It will be available in 8GB & 16GB models, priced at Rs 31,000 and Rs 36,100 respectively.
Be the first to get the iPhone
We have received a large number of registrations. As there are limited stocks, make sure that you get yours first, by paying an advance of Rs 10,000 to confirm your booking.
Where can you make this advance payment?
The iPhone 3G will be available at select Vodafone Stores. All you need to do is drop in at any select Vodafone Store between August 20 and 21 and make the advance payment by cash or credit card. Don´t forget to show the iPhone booking SMS, which you would have received from us, when you visit the Vodafone Store to pay the advance. To find a Vodafone Store near you, click here
Get an appointment now. No queues for you.
Once you pay the advance, we will immediately give you an appointment date and time, starting August 22 when you can come and experience a full demonstration and collect your iPhone, all ready to use with your contacts and settings, by paying the balance amount.
Hurry! Limited stocks.
Remember, the sooner you confirm your booking, the earlier you´ll get your iPhone. We have limited stocks and it will be on first come, first serve basis.
Happy to help
If you have any queries, log on to or call Vodafone Care on 111 (toll free) and we´ll be happy to help.
Hurry and be one of the first to make the iPhone 3G your own.
Laxmi Bhan
VP - Customer Service
A Lil bit of free promo from my end..
I have called off the purchase for now, cus the phone doesn't seem worth the price..
Nonetheless, congratulations to you to make the decision of makin the purchase. Do send in the reviews.. :)
Posted by
10:12 AM
There are times when things seem to be going right.. then there are times when things though seem to be going right, do not seem to be going in the right direction as per your needs..
LyF jus takes a swingy swangy on the road and goes hay wire..
I'm jus going thru one of those phases at this very right moment..
Have no clue what suddenly happened.. I suddenly felt a disconnect..
A disconnect from world, a disconnect from people, a disconnect from pleasures, a disconnect from myself.. disconnect from myself, cus i want to do so much, there is so much in my mind, but the hopeless things dont happen the way i want them to happen..
Once I pick up pace, everything comes crashin down.. Everything.. LyF is so freekin slow, that I can't believe this is my life.. This is the life that I never wanted to live.. This is the life I am unfortunately living..
Days go by, and i realise nothing worth while has happened, last 5 months have been a waste.. Nothing worth while has happened..
Have done too many things, but I am simply not pleased with myself.. I feel I could do more, but.... "every extra step I take, things fall off, fall off to the ground, and I have to start from scratch"
it is painful...
Tried to connect with a few people, went on fine for a couple of weeks.. now everythin's disconnected.. I can't keep changing frens every two weeks.. For tat matter every year also.. It needs to be consistent.. one or none.. i'd prefer none, cus losing friends like this is painful..
Tried to plan out things in mumbai last weekend, plans didn't work out.. everything fell apart.. i had to stay back at home.. wasted 3 days of extended weekend..
Tried to move out of my parent's house, but things are still not working out..
Tried to start something of my own, but things are way too slow.. another 2 weeks.. and in between I have loads to manage at the Job front..
One of the programs I manage is hung in the middle of nowhere, cus the admin is taking ages to decide on things.. in between, there are two more programs I need to manage..
M simply losing out on patience... God, get that fast paced life back to me.. I need it bad..
Posted by
12:49 PM
What do you think ???
Yeah, the place I work currently, the place which has always inspired me, the place where I've spent the best times of my life, the place which even lured me to come back from Mumbai..
For the uniniated, the Incubation Centre I work for, is the Incubation Centre of IIMA. Its called the Centre for Innovation Incubation and Entrepreneurship.. a.k.a. C.I.I.E.
Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, from Nokia 3500c here
Enjoy.. book mark the link if you with to check up more pics from campus..
Posted by
1:39 PM
Labels: facebook, IIMA, Photography
I met my first .. first .. first ever Girlfriend.. can you believe that.. After TEN years..
Its such a nice feeling.. I can't even express..
She was my first ever thing, first ever girl friend I possessed.. It was the same for her.. and it went on for three.. three and a half years..
We were so close to each other..
At those college traditional evenings, we used to dress up in similar clothes and go to college. I used to call her one night before and tell her "Look, we are wearing Black T-shirt over Blue Jeans tomorrow to college" and everyone used to go ga - ga over our dress because we were not traditionally dressed..
Its so cute and nice to meet her after 10 years.. She is still the same.. She still gets the same dimples after so many years..
It still feels like those days.. Its so nice to meet her.. Its an exhilarating feeling.. I'm all so happy..
We are trying to show people that we were not together.. we are trying to do things differently at the re-union thing.. its so funny.. she'll sit on the couch and I go and sit on the bed.. but I can see that she's looking at me from the corner of her eye.. So am I !!
Its so nice to listen to such stories.. and your heart goes, "Wow, perfect. One of those uniquely nice love stories. Totally romantic."
And no this is not fiction, this hasn't been made up by me.. but these are the snippets from a conversation I just had with a friend over the phone..
He sounded "So Much in Love" and so very nice.. He sounded so different.. He sounded so like I would have sounded 5 years back.. I could feel the emotions on the Phone.. It would have been so much better if I were there listening to all of this.. :)
These are one of those things I miss in my life.. the first boyfriend.. the first serious relationship.. I am not sure if I've had one in such a young age.. The first serious relationship I had was when I'd started working.. in Mumbai.. which went on for a year ! and then Phoooot.. hehehehe ..
Well, yes, I guess, if I do get a chance to meet him, it will be the same sparks and smirks and blushes kinda feeling.. But I am again nt sure if I will sound so-much-in-love types..
I think it will be more so after meeting my first crush.. But, its almost like, I end up fighting with the guy and so we completely lose touch.. I am not in touch with any of my previous boy friends.. none of them.. for reasons, I better keep them to myself..
I am in touch with all my friends, however, and we keep cribbin about the kind of girls / guys we find.. not the kind we would have ever dated... Seriously..
None.. absolutely none of my close friends have come up and told me that they've found the best girl / guy for themselves.. Nor have I ever seen them with the purrfekt girl / guy..
Personally.. I'm such a freak, tomboy, crazy, wierdo that I doubt if God has sent that one purrfekt guy for me.. :) .. not that I mind.. but still speculating..
And if that one purrfekt guy is, by any chance, reading this blog, please do let me know that you have been sent by God for me.. :)
I am not sure.. what more to write about..
But I miss "those" days of my LyF.. realised its 5 years since school ! and yes, five years since I met my first crush. Hmmm..
And you there, stop missing out on such sweet, romantic things in life.. Go out and find that purfekt guy/girl for yourself and keep me posted :)
Posted by
12:00 AM
Labels: cute, emotions, experience, love, madness, Relationships, reminisce
Aint this one cute..
a Fat Chinese man divin in to the swimmin pool...I liked it...
and it goes up on my blog...
Posted by
10:55 AM
Labels: cute, google doodle
so madam, along with three of her colleagues, steps in to the lift..
two stand in the two corners, madam is standing right opp to the switch panel and there are some 2 more unknown people in the lift.
the door is about to close, wen this guy who is suposed to get in, doesn't get in to the lift.. and we hav to struggle around and get the lift to stop so that he can enter.. But I think something was wrong with him, he didn't understand the works of a lift, maybe. So I almost shout on him askin him to get in..
He manages to walk in, hurting himself in the automatic doors of the lift.
While the lift gets going, I check the stops on my way to the 6th floor. The lift is supposed to stop on floor 4 as well, and I almost felt I knew who pressed the button..
Thin, lean and tiny, I'm barely visible in the crowd of 3 fat men and 2 tall ladies.
Makin the most of this situation, I kinda whisper - "Everyone will have to come out of the lift cus this guy in front of me has just pressed for number 4."
Floor Number 4, and that dumb fellow is out of the lift, expecting someone to get out... Well, there was no one who wanted to get out on #4 and it seemed like someone pressed the button by mistake.. I get the stares.. And I am almost trying to control my laughter..
The Dumb Guy again forgets that he has to get in before the lift door closes and we somehow manage to stop the doors for closing. I shout at him and ask him to walk inside the lift.
well.. floor 6 comes.. immediately after the door opens, I run out of the lift.. and start laughing, obnoxiously loud enough to shake the entire building.. err.. exxaggeration..
i run into the office, laughin like a Mad woman and two more follow..
The Story repeats and now.. 10 of us are jus sitting and laughing in the office..
My first Start-up Job and my last set of colleagues in Mumbai..
Miss you Guys..
Posted by
11:14 PM